
Сообщения за май, 2018
Casper(CST)-API Have you known a Blockchain Platform to secure your data? This is about it. With so many global companies in the world, that is well proven in offering cloud storage services (Amazon, Google etc.), which are used both by individuals, and companies of various size. These companies are technological giants; they warrant a safe storage and accessibility everywhere, which ensures their services popularity. Therefore, we want to help our clients to keep data safely and reliably, release the commands that change the world or make it more convenient place. And that is why i am introducing the project, Casper to you. Casper is a protected and reliable utility for DApp based on Ethereum platform. It is the fastest way to ensure your DApp stores data, i.e., video, photo, audio, text, databases. It is implemented by joint effort of a variety of vendors, which provide their hard drives and internet-channels for storing and transferring your files. Casper is a file system ut
CryptoGlobal CryptoGlobal : World’s First Hybrid P2P Digital Asset Exchange We believe there is the substantial possibility for development, in a market that is predicted to be worth an incredible $2trn by the end of 2018. Billions of users are yet to also begin purchasing the cryptocurrency market, so the possibility is vast. There billions of existing capitalists (as well as the 2billion unbanked) that look for to quickly and immediately trade their fiat current into cryptocurrency (as well as the other way around). So, we’ve built exactly that, at forefront of this eruptive development. A significant consider CryptoGlobal s progression and system is concentrated around our P2P offering of over 40 fiat money, 4 major cryptocurrencies readily available to buy and sell, we enable individuals to openly set their own rate, as well as markup their electronic asset, therefore allowing for their very own payment to be produced from trades. Furthermore, individuals are met wit
ICO Akropolis. ICO Akropolis предлагает свою пенсионную систему как альтернативу всем существующим в мире. Проект Akropolis создает децентрализованные пенсии на блокчейне, построенные людьми и для людей, создавая более безопасное финансовое будущее для человечества. Он будет состоять из различных категорий пользователей в зависимости от их функции в платформе. Отдельные пользователи, пенсионные фонды, менеджеры пенсионных фондов, разработчики и токенизаторы активов будут частью платформы. Они соберутся вместе, чтобы придумать различные продукты, которые помогут развитию системы Пенсионного фонда. Они также будут пользователями этих новых продуктов вместе с тем, что предлагает Akropolis. Преимущества проекта: Пользователи получают выгоду от продажи своих пользовательских данных. На платформе будут размещаться организации, которым могут потребоваться эти данные и которые готовы за них платить; конечно, это будет сделано добровольно. Пользователи также получат выгоду от
 Impressio What is Impressio? Impressio is a team of specialists from various fields of applied engineering, web development, marketing, advertising and finance. What is the essence of the Impressio offer? As part of the ICO development project, Impressio proposes to join investors in order to generate short-term profits with high interest rates, congestions per hour and per day. How is the income calculated? The profit comes from a fixed daily exchange rate or at the end of the selected period. For a certain group of investors, you can achieve profits per hour. About PRINT Distributed registers and blocking protocols bring unprecedented value to the loyalty program in the future: Impressio Estate, Ltd, is the UK investment platform for crypto currency for users around the world for investment and the growth of your money, whether deposited or phased in at a time. We offer unique investment plans for all types of investors. There are many people who do not know how to st
INSPEM - VIDEO ANALYTICS REVIEW Ever travelled in a new place and saw a beautiful girl or a handsome guy and never meet after? That happens to all of us. Mostly boys, who can not express their feelings. Love at first sight but never met after the first sight. Well, then here is an awesome project for you. INSPEM allows its users to find people they met on the subway, parks or any where while travelling, on a city, crowd etc. INSPEM is not a new project. They already have helped people to meet by their TV show "Wait For Me". Moreover, it can also be used to search for the lost people and the missing criminals. Police and the search squads are working very hard to search the missing criminals using flashlights in the outdoors. This takes a lot of time amd hardwork. Here is the solution brought by INSPEM. INSPEM service allow searching of any people in any corner of the earth. The INSPEM version 2.0 will be utilizing advanced video analytics based on learning neural net
PayVx ICO Apa itu PayVX? PayVX adalah teknologi pembayaran yang paling sederhana, tercepat dan paling aman di dunia. Layanan Escrow Kripto Mata Uang yang Dijamin Membangun Jembatan yang Aman dan Menciptakan Hubungan yang Memikat antara Kedua Pihak Untuk Transaksi Bisnis Online. Seiring Transaksi Kripto-Mata Uang Tidak Berulang, Berurusan Dengan Pihak yang Tidak Berprestasi Merupakan Tingkat Risiko yang serius Bagi Pembeli dan Penjual. PayVX Efektif Mengamankan Proses Ini, Memastikan Keyakinan Dan Kepercayaan Untuk Memproses Operasi tersebut. Mengapa PayVX? Teknologi Pembayaran Paling Mudah Tercepat di Dunia, Tercepat dan Tercepat AMAN Di payVX, tujuan kami adalah memastikan layanan pembayaran paling aman dan paling efisien yang tersedia melalui penggunaan jaringan pembayaran escrow kami KEANDALAN Di PayVX, jaringan blockchain artistik kami akan menjamin transaksi yang aman dan efisien dengan kecepatan yang tidak semestinya. KONTROL Pengguna PayVX akan memiliki kont
VOTEM--VOTING MADE EASY The Token gives part based access to the CastIron programming platform. The VAST Token, likened to a ceaseless programming permit, is intended to enhance the adequacy of voting occasions for both private and open races by permitting an individual or association secure access to the CastIron platform and its highlights to effectively work decisions. The VAST Token will give secure and part based access to the accompanying standard highlights on the VAST Platform: Contest (Election) Creation and Set-Up Voter Registration Simple Ballot Creation and Marking Ballot Submission/Validation/Storage Tallying and Results Reporting (with Audit Capabilities) BLOCKCHAIN The venture convention and application keep running on a private blockchain system, with open side-chains for extra check, making auditable vote records that can be approved in genuine time. FUNCTIONALITY Contest Creation Election setup is often the most logistically complicate
UNION: Decentralized Lending Platform For the People We all need help at some point in time in our life. And, in case of financial help, banks and financial institutions are the answers. They are the destinations of people who need financial help and many others services. But, getting a loan from a bank is a difficult exercise for most of us. The centralised banks have been keen on making profits rather than helping people have financial opportunities. The long list of intermediaries and agents are another problem in getting a loan from the banks. They charge high commissions for providing their services to the people. Duplication of effort and potential of fraud are a few of the many problems associated with the current banking system. What do you think is the solution for this system? Is there any alternative system where people can easily get financial help without wasting their time? Solution offered (   https://www.getunion.io/ ) UNION is developing a solution for
ICES GENESIS - ИНВЕСТИЦИИ В НЕДВИЖИМОСТЬ на основе технологии BLOCKCHAIN ЧТО ТАКОЕ ГЕНЕЗИС  GENESIS - это международный фонд недвижимости и многофункциональная операционная платформа, созданная на основе блочных и цифровых технологий.  Все инвестированные средства используются для покупки недвижимости, которая становится собственностью платформы и формирует ее активы, создавая основу для будущего развития и повышения рыночной стоимости проекта. Инновационные решения, реализованные в GENESIS, обеспечивают гармоническое сочетание классического методы инвестиций в недвижимость с возможностями самых прогрессивных и современных достижений цифровой экономики.  Основными особенностями GENESIS являются простота и удобство инвестирования, исключение посредников, устранение границ и свобода выбора, стабильная гарантированная прибыль, высокий уровень надежности и безопасности инвестиций.  - БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ И БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ ИНВЕСТИЦИЙ  - ДИВЕРСИФИКАЦИЯ РИСКА И ВЫСОКАЯ ЛИКВИДНОСТЬ  - ТОКИ