A global team of professionals has fashioned a platform that offers convenient incorporated solutions for both ordinary users and professionals. BeEasy provides its clients with a platform not only to invest their wealth in the digital currency but also to autonomously engage in mining, counting "cloudy". BeEasy structures are instinctive and set to use with the smallest amount of settings. BeEasy is a set of perceptive interfaces and the most expedient integrated services for running crypto-assets. Analog technological solutions are still around, but they are not easy to make out, and also necessitate constant regulation and monitoring. The BeEasy standard is different. By offering its clientele with an exceptional ability to scrutinize business procedures, the system offers the aptitude to execute all functions in a "one-stop" style with a solitary user recognition system.
Getting into the new world
BeEasy recognizes that for a decentralized financial system of blockchain networks and digital currency to do well, it must accomplish the broadest probable participation of user groups that are not yet introduced. BeEasy's neat structure and organization will look to enumerate the most basic information accessible to users, for instance, current services used, current holdings and their positions, while as well permitting quick fund transfers and contract chains. Once customers are sure of settings, they can decide full mechanization to let robots carry out all their communications. BeEasy CEO Alexander Bespalov replicates that digital technology, formerly the realm of future predictions, has lastly arrived to turn into the living realism for world citizens. The quick rapidity of digitization, with daily usage of innovative technologies and comprehensive mechanization, has led to even budding techs like blockchain have become extensively known.
BeEasy mission
The BeEasy project mission is to hearten the growth of a decentralized financial system of cryptocurrency and blockchain networks and by involving as many new, formerly left out, certain user groups as probable.
BeEasy Venture
BeEasy looks at its mission in the growth of a decentralized financial system (crypto-currency and blockchain-networks) by linking the maximum number of users groups not yet drawn in it. To attain this objective permits a precise system, structure and method of its execution. BeEasy builds ups all the fundamental information: the present state of the balances the employment of a variety of services, the condition of such services, the "quick" transmit of funds from one account to another, the aptitude to set up contract chains or offer all the control totally to the robots.
BeEasy Project
The BeEasy project is made up of six services for diverse user groups: "EasyData" showcases the present number of rented capacities, a digital currency account, it assumes the likelihood of decreasing or increasing the leased capacity, computes profitability, checks the process of mining. The"EasyPool" is a multi-currency collection and an administration mining system. "EasyPlay" – is a solution for speedy and expedient receipt of real services and things for digital-currency. The "EasyTrade" merchandise is a crypto-exchange that bolsters incorporation with the vending software (TickTrader, MetaTrader), in addition to a web interface for traders and brokers. To observe the return on assets and liquidity, an individual service "EasyFund" has been build up. Suitable interface system permits you to without difficulty scrutinize the present composition of the venture portfolio, and also in instantly to manage the sum of investments and existing yield in BTC/ETH/USD. The component "EasyCare" will offer the user the chance to do a great act and send the earned cash to charity. Automatically the system will offer a list of partner finances, which will be able to transport the amount from its balance, and the users will have the chance to track their payments. The BeEasy service offers accessibility to a new digital world for everybody. The corporation plans to open agent offices in the top markets of Europe, Latin America and Asia – the principal sections in terms of the infiltration of the digital currency into the financial system. The multifaceted advance and personal proposals created by BeEasy professionals permit not only to shape a competent policy for investing in the digital currency. But also, at the outset, facilitate full use of the network – from mining, including the "cloud" one to the employment of the earnings in the real world market of services and goods, as well as on the crypto-exchange market. Thus, a budding investor gets a package of services and products customized for their own functions. Developers and creators invite potential investors to unite the system and start to transform the world right away.
The BeEasy ICO details.
BeEasy makes the world of crypto currencies more accessible and clearer to many users regardless of their skills and abilities. This is attainable due to development of flawless interfaces and flexible management systems by most of our demanded services that include mining, conversion, trading, purchase of goods and services, investments, assignments on charity, and more. With the help of a "one window system" the user can access all the system services at once - from the rent of capacities for mining till receiving goods for cryptocurrency and services from partners of the project.
The primary goal of conducting the ICO is to bring funding for developing our innovative mining equipment for further leasing it to the project users through cloud mining. These funds will also allow us to improve the project’s technical infrastructure mainly focusing on the crypto exchange and to expand the project’s global marketing strategy.
BeEasy’s token sale will consist of three steps- an early bird sale, a pre-ICO, and the main ICO.
The early bird ICO was launched on September 15, 2017. The pre-ICO took place from October 15 to November 30, 2017. While the main ICO is scheduled for February 1 to April 30, 2018. The pre-ICO has a hard cap of $1.5 million, and the main ICO has a hard cap of 3200 BTC
The BeEasy Token Cost
Early Bird stage:
1 ETKN = 0.005BTC, with 50% discount, 10 BTC barrier to entry
Pre-ICO stage:
First fay: 1 ETKN = 0.01 BTC
From the second day throughout the first week: 1ETKN = 0.011 BTC
Second week: 1ETKN = 0.012 BTC
Third week: 1ETKN = 0.013 BTC
Fourth week: 1ETKN = 0.014 BTC
Fifth & Sixth weeks: 1ETKN = 0.015 BTC
ICO stage:
Equal throughout the ICO stage: 1ETKN = 0.02 BTC
The BeEasy has successfully raised $1.5 million from early investors, and during the pre-ICO sale events, more funds are being sought after for onward development of the BeEasy multi-platform service. The ongoing ICO runs from February 1st to April 30th, 2018, with the EasyTokens (EKTN) set at a fixed price of 0.02 BTC per token. Tokens are ERC-20 compliant based on the Ethereumblockchain and divisible up to four decimals. A total of 200,000 ETKN have been emitted for the ICO, of which 80 percent is available for sale. All tokens unsold will be liquidated, and no further tokens will ever be issued. The funds raised will first go towards financing the project’s hard objectives, including the purchase of mining equipment to be rented out to users of the cloud mining project.
Many users are encouraged to acquire the tokens as there are various ways for them to benefit from obtaining the Easytokens. The benefits are:
• The users will enjoy purchasing power at cost price from the data centre, also known as ‘cloud mining’ therefore they will receive a 50 percent discount for all internal service fees including exchanges fees, fund and others.
• Users will enjoy discounted conversions of tokens into game currencies, software license, ecosystem participant partner goods.
The BeEasy Team.
BeEasy is led by a CEO named as AleksandrBespalov he is a business orient person with over 15 years of experience in company management and consultancy, including several multi-million dollar projects implemented in Russia and abroad. Other core members of the team include Nikita Polikarpov who is the Chief Technology Officer, and formerly served as an IT Director at the St Petersburg International Mercantile Exchange, Anton Makarchuk who is the Chief Marketing Officer, and IlyaSurodeykin is the Chief Operations Officer. This Crypto Company employs over fifty professionals in the spheres of management, finance, marketing, development, security, and IT. With a project advisory team of five members that advise the executive on legal issues, marketing, social matters, risk management and blockchain development. BeEasy is based in St. Petersburg, Russia, with a branch office in Moscow.
BeEasy ICO Conclusion
BeEasy is a system of products designed to make the crypto world more reachable to beginners. The ecosystem includes a cryptocurrency exchange, a fund management stage, a rig rental service, and other products and services. Users interact with the platform through a single integrated interface.
To learn more about BeEasy and how it works, visit online today at BeEasy.io. The token sale is underway until April 30, 2018.
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