
Сообщения за апрель, 2018
Etheera - All In One Software Solution & The Future Of Real Estate Whаt is ETHEERA? Ethеerа оffеrs your initial truly dеcentrаlіzеd glоbal reаl еstаtе platform, basеd on thе Etherеаl blockchain, which givеѕ properties for thе purchaѕе, rental аnd bеd & breаkfаѕt offеrіngs. Thiѕ рlаtform iѕ idеаl fоr everyone and еvеrуonе, even though you aѕ а рrivatе pеrson wаnt to ѕuррlу a rоom for onе night or longеr, оr whethеr yоu arе loоkіng for ѕоmеthіng elѕе. Ethеera аlѕo thinkѕ of real eѕtаte brokеrѕ and induѕtrу professionals аnd offerѕ соmрletе ѕоftwаrе thаt grow a pоssibilіtу оf beіng intеgrаtеd and wіll suіt all desires. Enough ALL IN ONE ѕolutiоn lifestyles therе iѕ the! Humаn teсhnоlogy is incredibly advanсеd thаt all оf us surрrіsed by really shоuld havе notісed аfter doіng rеseаrch, аnаlуsіѕ, testіng and final results of exiѕtіng ѕоlutіonѕ offеrеd by the сurrent market. Thе compаnу works mostlу wіth locаllу givеn ѕоlutіonѕ that seem like vеry limіtеd in scopе and won
A REVIEW OF THE BeEasy ICO A global team of professionals has fashioned a platform that offers convenient incorporated solutions for both ordinary users and professionals. BeEasy provides its clients with a platform not only to invest their wealth in the digital currency but also to autonomously engage in mining, counting "cloudy". BeEasy structures are instinctive and set to use with the smallest amount of settings. BeEasy is a set of perceptive interfaces and the most expedient integrated services for running crypto-assets. Analog technological solutions are still around, but they are not easy to make out, and also necessitate constant regulation and monitoring. The BeEasy standard is different. By offering its clientele with an exceptional ability to scrutinize business procedures, the system offers the aptitude to execute all functions in a "one-stop" style with a solitary user recognition system. Getting into the new world BeEasy recognizes that for a d
[REVIEW] DIGIPHARM (teknologi Blockchain berbasis kesehatan) | PENDAHULUAN Solusi Digipharms bertujuan mempercepat restrukturisasi pengiriman layanan kesehatan yang sangat dibutuhkan. sistem untuk pendekatan berbasis nilai ini. Kekurangan infrastruktur kesehatan global saat ini mengakibatkan inefisiensi yang substansial, hasil kesehatan terbuang dan paling tidak optimal Di sektor kesehatan saat ini, ada kekurangan insentif bagi penyedia sistem kesehatan dan layanan untuk fokus pada kolaborasi yang saling menguntungkan Digipharm aims to utilise innovative blockchain technology to overcome barriers to patient access and innovative pricing, reduce costs for all stakeholders, and bypass infrastructural limitations to drive value improvement, incentivise innovation and expedite the transformation to personalised healthcare. | VISI DIGIPHARM Visi Digipharms adalah menjadi ‘pelopor pengiriman perawatan berbasis nilai, generasi bukti inovatif dan pemberdayaan pasien di industr
FLUX WHAT IS FLUX? FLUX is a revolutionary idea born from the fruit of years of experience by a number of passionate game developers. A truly online platform will be the ultimate global game center never seen before. The platform is designed to come with a number of cutting-edge features that will make perfect and no-hassle interaction between gamers, developers, investors and even streaming services finally come true. The game desperately needs saving so as not to lose its pleasure factor, and with a bit of luck we have the answer on the FLUX platform, as it is set to redefine the gaming industry and give it a second lease term. MARK REVIEW Game The gaming industry is one of the biggest and promising markets on the planet. The biggest misconception is simply involving the gaming part but there is more to it than this. The gaming industry is essentially the largest and fastest growing industry in the world. Based on this latest research has about 2.3 billion